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Uso de tripartite agreement em inglês
But in February, the unions claimed the government was not playing fair under the ILO-sanctioned tripartiteagreement.
U.S. President Donald Trump said this week he hoped the treaty could be replaced with a new tripartiteagreement including Beijing.
In 2016, the government signed a tripartiteagreement with unions to address issues of labour law reform and essential national industries issues.
The result of the affair was a tripartiteagreement by which the three powers in 1889 undertook a protectorate over the islands.
A tripartiteagreement guaranteeing movement of thoroughbreds between Ireland, Britain and France existed prior to this country joining the European Union in 1973.
Under a breakthrough tripartiteagreement, Germany's BMW will pay the British aerospace-engine maker Rolls-Royce Plc £40 million for the rights to use the Rolls name.
(2) The Russo-Chinese-Mongolian tripartiteagreement of the 7th June, 1915, ratifying the agreement of the 5th November, 1913.